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Revitalizing Downtown

About SRA

The Selma Redevelopment Authority (SRA) is a municipal board with governing authority. Originally created in 1994, as the Selma Downtown Redevelopment Authority, it was reconstituted and reauthorized by Resolution of the Selma City Council in 2016 as the Selma Redevelopment Authority. It was created under the provisions of Section 54A of the 1975 Code of Alabama, as amended. This statute grants SRA the authority to pursue projects that will develop and promote commerce, employment opportunities, business (existing and new), and trade within the district (picture below).

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Our Mission

Our mission is to create a diverse, vibrant, and economically robust downtown district where locals and visitors, alike, feel valued and welcomed.We work closely with the City of Selma and the Planning and Development Department, the Dallas County Commission, the Selma Dallas County Chamber of Commerce, and other stakeholders to restore and revitalize our historic downtown properties and businesses. We also work with private developers and investors to attract and encourage new development projects in downtown.

Meet The Board

SRA board members must be bona fide residents of the City of Selma and are elected by the Selma City Council for six-year terms. Appointed members remain on the Board until positions are refilled. 
SRA meets the third Thursday of each month.

Our Partners

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