Private Design
Our design committee seeks to foster friendly relationships with our downtown businesses by helping improve storefronts. The first task our design committee has taken on is the creation of a façade enhancement grant for private property owners and businesses within our district. Please click the link below to fill out an application for a 30% reimbursement on your capital improvement project.
Public Design
Main Street organizations are an integral part of building downtown, and we like to bring representation to the table and lobby for governmental changes that are pleasing to the community, visitors, and businesses alike. If we're going to make changes to our streetscapes, let's be sure we're all in it together.
Public-Private Partnership
Our design committee focuses on the intangible factor that makes downtowns special. The thin line between government property and private property in downtown leaves room for beautification that provides for integrity among visiting citizens. We aim to facilitate space where we can build and enjoy these areas together.